Natural values education

Natural values education & interpretation for government, NGOs, schools and community groups in Tasmania

Natural values education

Natural values education and interpretation by Environmental Consulting Options Tasmania.

ECOtas draws on the very best of Tasmania’s ecological experts to deliver natural values education and interpretation to NRM groups, local government, schools, volunteer and conservation groups, ecotourism ventures, government agencies and many others. All presenters are well-respected for their enthusiastic and professional approach to imparting their knowledge.

Please download our flyer for more information. [ECOknowtas – flyer]

Training Flyer
Ecological Experts — Lenah Valley, TAS — ECOtas

Natural Values Courses Offered

Some courses delivered by ECOknowtas include:

  • Classification of Tasmanian Vegetation for Threatened Plants Tasmania (Wildcare Inc.) (23 June 2018)
  • Identification of Tasmanian Eucalypts for Threatened Plants Tasmania (Wildcare Inc.) (9 June 2018)
  • Overview of Tasmanian Ferns and Fern Allies for Threatened Plants Tasmania (Wildcare Inc.) (13 & 14 May 2017)
  • Overview of Tasmanian Sedges for Threatened Plants Tasmania (Wildcare Inc.) (14 & 15 May 2016)
  • Introduction to Tasmanian Grasses for Threatened Plants Tasmania (Wildcare Inc.) (15 & 16 August 2015)
  • Natural Values of the Cradle Coast NRM Region: Tree Identification for Cradle Coast NRM (3 December 2014)
  • Natural Values of the Cradle Coast NRM Region: Threatened Crayfish for Cradle Coast NRM (5 November 2014)
  • Natural Values of the Cradle Coast NRM Region: Vegetation, Threatened Flora and Fauna, and Land Use for Cradle Coast NRM (21 & 22 October 2014)
  • Tasmanian Field Botany: Threatened Flora Species, Habitats, Identification & Methods for NRM North (22-24 September 2014)
  • Identification of Threatened Species of Carex (sedge) for Tasmanian Irrigation (May 2014)
  • Tasmanian Field Botany for Threatened Plants Tasmania facilitated through NRM South (April 2014)
  • Ecology of Subalpine Grasslands for Threatened Plants Tasmania facilitated through Cradle Coast NRM (February 2014)
  • Tasmanian Field Botany for Threatened Plants Tasmania facilitated through NRM South (May 2013)
  • Conservation Management of Tasmanian Native Orchids in the Wood Production Landscape for the Tasmanian forest industry facilitated through the Forest Practices Authority (January 2011 – Hobart; October 2010 – Latrobe)

To find out more about the courses offered, please call 0407 008 685 or send an enquiry.

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