Alastair Richardson

Alastair Richardson is one of the world's leading experts on terrestrial and freshwater crayfish. As well as teaching invertebrate zoology, ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Tasmania,  Alastair pursued research in the ecology, biogeography and systematics of terrestrial and freshwater crustaceans, particularly freshwater crayfish and terrestrial amphipods. He has also supervised a very wide range of Honours and postgraduate students. Since "retiring" Alastair has continued his own research on crustaceans and taken on further consultancy work, including environmental surveys for residential developments, potential irrigation dam sites, threatened species management plans, etc.

With ECOtas, Alastair provides specialty services for a range of clients in the survey, management and monitoring of burrowing crayfish (Engaeus)  and freshwater crayfish (Astacopsis gouldi).

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